A global network of leading travel sites

Huno Travel

Online Accommodation Search

Our network of travel sites, such as Huno.com , provide online accommodation search services to millions of travellers globally every month. Assisting them to find the most ideal accommodation option for their trip. Our sites drive over $1b in transaction value to our partners and provide a highly effective online marketing channel to help drive sales and increase brand awareness. Partners include leading hotels, OTAs, traditional travel agents, meta-search sites and many others. Huno Group was founded by Robert Chamberlain. Contact us at [email protected] for more information on how you can access our audience of qualified travel referrals.

Vacation Rental Meta-search BETA

Currently operating in stealth, our global meta-search platform compares millions of vacation rental listings from leading providers.

Huno Capital

Equities & Strategic Investments

Huno Group manages a diverse portfolio of listed and unlisted equities primarily within the travel and technology sector. The current investment strategy prioritises medium to large-cap global tech stocks. Target industries include travel, fintech and ecommerce which investments in leading listed companies such as Google, Facebook and eBay. If you would like to know more or pitch your investment please contact us.

Property Assets

Huno Group hold a diverse portfolio of residential property assets within major Australian cities. Funds allocated to future pipeline investments are to be directed into regions with high rental yield potential.



79 Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont NSW 2009


0403 909 911